Products & Tools Recommendations
Enrico Designs 3d stl prints
Enrico is from Italy. He has over a 171 designs of modern aircraft / jet fighters from many nations. His designs are incredibly detailed, accurately designed and scaled. They are simply stunning whether you print them at 1-200 or 1-600 scale. They are even superior to GHQ castings at 1-285 scale. His designs can be found on Cults3D.com
His designer shop name is:
Some of my Faves:


Tumbling Dice
Paul Sulley the owner has been producing miniature figurines since the mid-1970s. His 1-600 scale aircraft are by far my favorite. They are of great quality, detail and value, especially his Squadron Packs. His range of aircraft types is just amazing. Casting are consistent and easy to clean especially compared to some other 1-600 castings. He also produces rule sets, 2400 & 4800 scale naval, 20mm, 25mm & 36mm figures for multiple time period. Paul is also just a great guy to deal with.
If you have not already, please take a look at his offerings:
Some examples (I believe these were painted by Mr. Jim Jackman - another great resource for for the hobby:

Ghukek's 3D print stls
Ghukek offers a wide variety of WWII & (some modern) naval ships. He has also created several "What If" ships. He even has several free stls posted on Wargaming 3D site. They are a great way to augment Warlord's offerings for Victory at Sea. In my case, I prefer them over Warlord resin castings for a multitude of reasons. I can also print Ghukek's stls in any range from 1-3000 to 1-1200 scales. They are easy to support in slicer and print out great in all of those scales. He also offers "Fleet Packs" at a discount. The designer is also willing to do custom ship requests for a reasonable fee. Hard to go wrong here. I hope he continues expand his modern ship line as I will be first inline to purchase.
Ghukek's printed models can be purchased here:
To purchase stls and self-print:
Some examples:

Painted by Grgbobe

Painted by Grgbobe

Painted by Grgbobe

Dead Llama Studios
If you are into the board game Axis and Allies, check out Dead Llama Studio's Etsy shop. Levi does some great work with hand painted Axis and Allies Pieces and will make your forces really standout.
DLS Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DeadLlamaStudio/sold
Some examples of his work:

GHQ pewter castings
Not a lot needs to be said here. I have been collecting GHQ naval and ground for over 40 years. When it comes to detail of ships, there is just no competitors. Unfortunately, they are also by far the most expensive.
Although it is nice to see them increase the volume of new designs, I fear their price point will be their downfall. Especially as 3D printing continues to advance in quality & detail. Although there is currently no match for their naval, Enrico's modern aircraft and Roman's (Plane Printer) prints are far superior to GHQ's aircraft castings. As for tanks and other vehicles, there are several designers out there that are very close to parity with GHQ. Problem is, I can print 2 dozen jets for the less than the price of a single GHQ aircraft blister. I just don't think their pricing models is sustainable with the proliferation of 3D printers.
GHQ Site: https://www.ghqmodels.com/

Unfortunately, there are no US based distributor for Navwar. I seriously considered becoming a distributor. Unfortunately, Royal Mail and International shipping costs made it cost prohibitive. Many people are put off by Navwars' website and inability to purchase online. What I can tell you is that Tony is awesome to work with even though he does not use email. I have purchased well over a thousand ships from him via snail mail over the years. I often receive the ships faster from him than orders I place digitally with USA based companies.
1-3000 scale is my naval go to for gaming. NavWar is my go to for both WWII & Modern ships. You can actually play a modern scenario and not need a basketball court sized game table.
NavWar Website: http://www.navwar.co.uk/nav/
You can also place your order over the phone with Tony directly. Just remember to account for time zone changes and his shop's office hours.

Figurehead 1-6000 scale ships
The Last Square is a USA iconic family run miniatures hobby shop. They have outstanding customer service and are always great to deal with. I have been purchasing from them for decades. Anytime I need assistance or am looking for something specific, I can count on Bev getting right back to me.
They are the line owner (and I believe the caster) of the 1-6000 Figurehead naval line. Their castings are crisp, clean and easy to work with. Their CAP-Aero line of 1-1200 scale aircraft are also outstanding.
Last Square Website: http://www.lastsquare.com/zen-cart/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=4

"Bay Area Yards specializes in manufacturing resin accessories for wargaming, ranging from complete ship model kits in 1/600 scale to sea terrain bases in 1/2400 scale.
Stephen Taylor
Bay Area Yards: https://www.facebook.com/groups/195747367161237/media