Tips specific to Warlord Victory at Sea cast resin ships
1 - IJN Akagi
2 - RM Aquila
3 - HMS Eagle
4 - HMS Ark Royal

#1 Tips for WarLord IJN Akagi
There are 2 specific challenges unique to preparing Warlord's resin cast Akagi model for a deck decal.
Construction of the model, specifically the 2 sections of the deck.
The raised propeller blast deflector screens
1 - Construction.
It is important to ensure a tight seamless fit between the two sections. If a gap is left, the decal will be too short on the joined deck.
2 - Raised blast deflectors.
Both raised deflector screens will need to be removed. The decal will not work if they are not removed. The raised sections will wrinkles and air pockets at the corners. They will also cause the decal too be too short to cover the length of the deck.

It is best to remove both sections prior to joining the two deck sections of the model. The best method to remove the section is to use an Xato blade (I prefer a chisel blade) to lightly shave some of the raised section down. Do not attempt to remove all of it with the Xacto unless you are very experienced in this. It is too easy to apply too much pressure resulting in inadvertently gouging the surrounding deck area.
After you have shaved 1/2 to 3/4 of the rise with the knife, use progressive finer grits of sandpaper the remove the remaining rise. If you do not have a micro sanding block, the best tool for the job are foam core fingernail emery boards or pads.

To gain better control of the sanding, I will slice the emery boards and pads into sections with angled ends. Just like sandpaper, use progressively finer grits until the sections are completely level with the remaining deck.
#2 Tips for WarLord RM Aquila
Unless you are very experienced in decal applications, the Aquila casting will need to have the raised shuttle rails removed.
For experienced builders, you will need to use both a decal softener as well as decal setting solution.
Please email me for more detailed instructions if you want to try and apply the decal without removing the raised tracks. FlightDeckDecals2400@comcast.net

The best method to accomplish the removal is the same as outline under the Akagi tips
The best method to remove the raised rails is to use an Xato blade (I prefer a chisel blade) to lightly shave some of the raised section down. Do not attempt to remove all of it with the Xacto unless you are very experienced in this. It is too easy to apply too much pressure resulting in inadvertently gouging the surrounding deck area.
After you have shaved 1/2 to 3/4 of the rise with the knife, use progressive finer grits of sandpaper the remove the remaining rise. If you do not have a micro sanding rods - blocks, the best tool for the job are foam core fingernail emery boards or pads. See above Akagi Tips for info on emery boards
#3 Tips for WarLord HMS Eagle
The raised sections of the HMS Eagle casting will need to be removed before applying the decal.
The best method to remove the raised rails is to use an Xato blade (I prefer a chisel blade) to lightly shave some of the raised section down. Do not attempt to remove all of it with the Xacto unless you are very experienced in this. It is too easy to apply too much pressure resulting in inadvertently gouging the surrounding deck area.
After you have shaved 1/2 to 3/4 of the rise with the knife, use progressive finer grits of sandpaper the remove the remaining rise. If you do not have a micro sanding rods - blocks, the best tool for the job are foam core fingernail emery boards or pads. See above Akagi Tips for info on emery boards

Although the decal will align with the elevator recessed sections, you will need to use decal setting solution. In this case I would recommend using decal softener in those areas as well. The other solution is to use some modeling putty to fill them in and sand level to the rest of the deck.
#3 Tips for WarLord HMS Ark Royal
Ark Royal is a bit easier to decal. Ensure you cutout the indicated holes for the gun tubs and island. The decal can be applied right over the 2x protrusions for the catapults. If you choose this option, You should use softener. You MUST use a decal setting solution. If you fail to use a setting solution, air bubbles trapped around the edges will eventually cause the decal to fail. Personally I would choose option to remove and sand down the raised catapults. It provides the finished model a better overall appearance. To remove the raised areas, use the same techniques described in the above HMS Eagle tips.